On February 2023 the Association of Lithuanian Municipalities invited the country's municipalities to join the Green Initiative, which was initiated by the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) parliamentary group “Green Municipalities – 2030”, founded in 2021, and headed by Member of the Parliament Andrius Bagdonas. At the end of 2022, at the conference held in the Lithuanian Parliament, the Memorandum of initiative of the Green Municipalities was adopted.


  • It is planned to bring together Lithuanian municipalities, industry, business, science, non-governmental organizations and civil communities in order to develop innovative technologies and solutions for Smart Cities.
  • It is planned more effectively coordinate and publicize the green municipalities initiative, establish the Green Municipalities National Network.
  • It is planned to implement the pilot project Green Township and establish a green city innovation center, the main activities of which will be:
    • to test and demonstrate new technologies and innovative solutions for Smart Cities.
    • to familiarize decision-makers, businesses and the public with these innovative solutions; train professionals for the future of Smart Cities.


  • Bring together Lithuanian municipalities, state institutions, scientific and business communities, non-governmental organizations and civil communities for cooperation;
  • Propose new ideas and make recommendations;
  • Share good practices, organize events, trainings, provide advice and expert assistance;
  • Actively participate in EU programmes, training and counselling events;
  • Fully cooperate in order to ensure the ambitious idea that at least five municipalities in Lithuania will become climate neutral by 2030.

We hope that the country’s most ambitious and actively striving for climate neutrality municipalities, united in the Lithuanian Green Municipalities National Network, will do their utmost to become climate neutral by 2030.

24 municipalities have already joined the Lithuanian Green Municipalities National Network.