H2020-AURORAL Project organises its Open Call to validate and complement the project’s technology and use cases which will help to create an Open Innovation Ecosystem of developers, innovators, service providers and Smart Communities and will prioritize the maturity of projects.

Project will fund the development and implementation of highly innovative and challenging, but mature pilots in 12 lots (health, mobility, farming, energy, tourism, media, education, governance, industry, territory, and nature), as well as platforms (marketplaces) in 16 different regions.

For this purpose, the consortium has planned to allocate a budget for the cascade funding across a total of up to 1.550.400 € to third parties who submitted an eligible proposal.

For more info:


EUKI funds selected projects that promote cross-border climate action in Europe. Funding of between 120,000 and 1 Million euros will be awarded per project, following a Europe-wide call for project ideas that we put out every year. The 8th EUKI Call for Project Ideas runs from 6 February until 12 March 2024. For the 2024 selection procedure, project ideas must be received by 15:00 CET (Central European Time) using this online platform. The projects provisionally selected will be asked to submit a full project proposal, probably in June 2024. The first projects are scheduled to start in December 2024.

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